26 November 2019
We are delighted to be able to offer you another educational seminar. This one will look specifically at the Isle of Man as a trust and wealth management jurisdiction and emphasise some of its unique features.
We will also be discussing some potential uses of Isle of Man Trusts for Czech resident clients
This promises to be an informative and interesting seminar.
Our presenter is:
David Johnson, Managing Director of Sterling Trust Limited.
Svěřenské fondy a trusty s.r.o.
Level 2
Washingtonova 1599/17
Prague 1
(Please note that due to space limitations and depending on the number of attendees – it may be necessary to move the event – in which case registered attendees will be advised)
Date: 26 November 2019
Timing: 17.30 – 19.30
Language note: The presentation will be in English
Free of charge for APRSF members and their guests however advance registration is essential. Please register at info@trusty.cz
As well as a presentation, the event will include open forum Q&A, networking opportunities, and excellent New Zealand wines.
About David
David was educated in the Isle of Man. On leaving the education system he joined the Isle of Man service arm of an international trust company. Having progressed quickly through the ranks of that company, he was asked to join a private company providing trust and company administration services. In 1995 David established Sterling.
Elected as an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers (Trustee Dip.) in 1992, David is an Associate of the Compliance Institute, a Certified Financial Adviser and holds a number of ancillary financial qualifications.
David brings over twenty-five years’ experience in the offshore financial services environment to his role of Managing Director of Sterling.