Welcome to website of the Association for the Support and Development of Trust Funds
APRSF and its member PTT CZ invite you to a webinar on Business Trusts in the Czech Republic. Until now, trusts in the Czech Republic have been established mostly for family purposes or to hold shares in family businesses. This differs from other countries where trusts have a longer history and are used not only […]
S potěšením zveme všechny členy i přátele APRSF na další z našich inspirativních seminářů, tentokrát s Dimitarem Hristovem na téma „Trusty a nadace v Rakousku – Praktické využití pro české klienty a jejich poradce“. Uskuteční se ve čtvrtek 16. června 2022 v 17:20 v prostorách WorkLounge Diamant, Václavské náměstí 841/3, 110 00 Praha 1. Dimitar […]
Seven Years of the Trust Law in the Czech Republic – Trusts in Practice and International Comparison
Together with CAK and STEP, APRSF is proud to be a partner in this event on 12 November. Click here for the full invitation.
We would like to thank Dimitar Hristov for coming to Prague and briefing our members on Foundations in Austria. Dimitar heads the Tax practice at DLA Piper’s Vienna office. His presentation was excellent and full of interesting and useful information for our members to take away. It is important for us all to have good […]
This is to update you on a number of important changes to the law that will affect many of you – particularly those of you who are not advocates If your business includes establishing or administering trusts, there is a new requirement to notify this officially to the Trade Licencing Office. This new requirement was […]
The Executive Committee of the Association for the Support and Development of Trust Funds, z.s. (“APRSF”) informs the trustees of existing trust funds about the possible impacts of the new Act on the Registration of Beneficial Owners, which will enter into force on 1 June this year. According to the association, trustees should take precautionary […]
Together with CAK and STEP, APRSF is proud to be a partner in this event on 13 November. Click here for the full invitation
This is just to bring you up to date on some of the work your association is currently doing on your behalf. At the moment, the board is focusing on three areas: The Evidence skutečných majitelů Regulation of the trustee sector / Possible roles for company trustees Blind Trusts Recent discussions and meetings with the […]
Today, Petr Jakubec and Vítězslav Hruška, as representatives of the APRSF, took part in discussion on the Bill on the Registration of Beneficial Owners. This happened at the invitation of the Senate Temporary Commission for draft audit reports. The purpose of this law is to transpose the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive into Czech law. It […]
As another ‘value add’ for our members, we have decided to introduce membership certificates. These will be issued to paid up members of the association soon. Our members are already able to highlight the professionalism associated with APRSF membership through the use of the APRSF logo on website and other communications. We hope the new […]
We have built an online shared resource centre for members. On this site you will find news related to SF, case studies, court decisions and a range of other resources to make your work with SF easier. As our community grows so will the range of content in the resource centre. It is meant to […]
The APRSF issued a Press Release on 25 June 2020: The newly elected APRSF Committee met for the first time. It discussed the law on the registration of beneficial owners and the law on investment companies and investment funds. The full text of the press release is here (in Czech)
The APRSF Executive Board has issued a press release on the draft law on Beneficial Ownership. The full text of the press release is available here (in Czech).