Business Trusts in the Czech Republic – 30 November
APRSF and its member PTT CZ invite you to a webinar on Business Trusts in the Czech Republic. Until now, trusts in the Czech Republic have been established mostly for family purposes or to hold shares in family businesses. This differs from other countries where trusts have a longer history and are used not only […]
Seminář APRSF – Trusty a nadace v Rakousku
S potěšením zveme všechny členy i přátele APRSF na další z našich inspirativních seminářů, tentokrát s Dimitarem Hristovem na téma „Trusty a nadace v Rakousku – Praktické využití pro české klienty a jejich poradce“. Uskuteční se ve čtvrtek 16. června 2022 v 17:20 v prostorách WorkLounge Diamant, Václavské náměstí 841/3, 110 00 Praha 1. Dimitar […]
Seven Years of the Trust Law in the Czech Republic – Trusts in Practice and International Comparison
Together with CAK and STEP, APRSF is proud to be a partner in this event on 12 November. Click here for the full invitation.
Next APRSF Trustee Training Course – 24 – 25 November 2021
We are pleased to announce that we are continuing with our regular seminars for trustees and trust advisers. These two-day seminars are presented by our members: Svěřenské fondy a trusty s.r.o.., Deloitte and J & T Family Office. After successfully completing the course, participants will understand the structure, history, and practical uses of trusts in the Czech […]
Beneficial Owners Register, AML, and other new obligations for trusts and trustees
APRSF Educational Event Beneficial Owners Register, AML, and other new obligations for trusts and trustees As you will be aware, there have been a number of recent changes to the anti-money laundering and other laws in Czech Republic in areas which directly affect trusts, trustees and also those of us who provide trust related services […]
Six Years of the Trust Law in the Czech Republic – Trusts in Practice and International Comparison
Together with CAK and STEP, APRSF is proud to be a partner in this event on 13 November. Click here for the full invitation.
Next APRSF Trustee Training Course – 22 – 23 June 2020
We are pleased to announce that we are continuing with our regular seminars for trustees and trust advisers. Due to uncertainty over the next six weeks, we have decided to reschedule this course which was originally scheduled for late May. These two-day seminars are presented by our members: Svěřenské fondy a trusty s.r.o.., Deloitte and J & T […]
Next APRSF Trustee Training Course – 10 – 11 March 2020
We are pleased to announce that we are continuing with our regular seminars for trustees and trust advisers. These two-day seminars are presented by our members: Svěřenské fondy a trusty s.r.o.., Deloitte and J & T Family Office. After successfully completing the course, participants will understand the structure, history and practical uses of trusts in the Czech […]
APRSF Educational Seminar – Trusts in the Isle of Man and their potential uses in the ČR
We are delighted to be able to offer you another educational seminar. This one will look specifically at the Isle of Man as a trust and wealth management jurisdiction and emphasise some of its unique features.